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Welcome to this wiki, a collaborative site in which everyone can edit any page and create new pages.

It is intended to serve as a document base to empower everyone to get informed and take concrete actions against the extradition and prosecution of Julian Assange.

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The hearing for Assange's extradition to the USA started in London on 24th - 28th February 2020.

It resumed from the 7th September to October 1st 2020. The verdict will be pronounced on January 4th 2021. (The defence team has one month after Oct. 1st to submit their closing statement, after which the prosecution has two weeks to respond, then the defence gets more time to respond with legal arguments..)

You'll find documentation of the first and second part of the extradition hearing, day by day, with a selection of documents, links, images, and other useful information!

Numerous actions and events are taking place around the World every day in September and through October! Join one near you. Check out a call for a month of solidarity during the hearing and beyond.

On June 24th 2020, the US published a new version of the indictment of Assange, as a new base for requesting his US extradition. In a rather unusual move, the US are changing the nature of the accusations, while the extradition hearing (trial) is already going on. Original PDF version and full-text (OCR) version of the superseding indictment, copy-pastable with table of content and links to sections, sub-sections, etc.

  • Accusing Assange of a broadened alleged “hacking conspiracy” involving “Anonymous”, lulzsec, antisec, CCC, Snowden, etc.
  • Attempting to qualify WikiLeaks as an intelligence agency
  • doesnt formally add charges (as it would be illegal according to extradition treaties), yet heavily modifies and broadens the existing ones.
  • Is it even legal?

More information and links on the US extradition page

dont-extradite-assange-uk-poster2web.jpg Julian Assange faces extradition to the US, where he risks 175 year in prison for charges based on the US espionage act for his journalistic activities publishing truthful information - exposing war crimes, lies and corruption. He has been detained in isolation in the Belmarsh high-security prison in London, since April 11th 2019.

Assange's case is emblematic for the methods used against him and his character, along with the multiple violations of international law. It is also dramatic for the precedent his extradition and jailing in the US would set for everyone involved into journalistic and truth-seeking activities.

The political and judicial persecution of Assange is part of a wider picture where the actions of many courageous hackers, whistleblowers, journalists and activists are being brutally repressed by violent forces attempting to assert their power.

Everyone is invited to take part in enriching this wiki as a document base to empower everyone to get informed and take concrete actions against the extradition of Julian Assange.

As outlined by Gavin MacFadyen, Assange's friend and mentor, journalists should take risks to expose lies and challenge power. This wiki is dedicated to his loving memory <3

Below is an evolving map of the topics described here on Challenge Power, upon which you can help elaborate.

The work of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

Political persecution of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

A historical case: The USA vs Julian Assange and WikiLeaks


Speaking up in defense of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

Get together and take action


  • Get involved online and offline: Step by step guide on getting involved, including info about upcoming and ongoing protests, vigils, exhibitions etc..
  • Official Campaigns: Defend Wikileaks, Courage Foundation, Don't Extradite Assange (DEA), Australian Assange Campaign and We Are Millions photo campaign info and contacts.
  • Campaigning Material: images, posters, flyers, etc.
  • Past events: List of past events and their related archives.
  • Movie list: List of Wiki-related movies and shows you can binge on while quarantined during the COVID-19 outbreak!
  • Ideas Do you have an original creative idea how to enhance and spread support for Julian Assange online during times of worldwide quarantines? Share your idea here!
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  • start.1601840879.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/10/04 19:47
  • by editor42