The Actors of a Persecution
Here is a relational map based on the pages in this space and their links, documenting the actors of Assange's persecution and the relationships between them:
The Map
- download the printable full image
- navigate interactive SVG version at (experimental)
The Actors
Help us documenting the actors of Assange's persecution with as much details as possible…
- Wikileaks
- US Government
- Unites States Central Command
- The United States Department of State (DOS)
- President of the United States
- Mike Pompeo
- Michael Hayden
- Leon Panetta
- Keith B. Alexander
- John Brennan
- R. James Woolsey Jr.
- International Security Assistance Force
- Hillary Clinton
- Etienne Huver
- US Department of Justice
- Department of Defense
- Dick Cheney
- David Petraeus
- Unites States Central Command
- UK judiciary
- UK Government
- thinktanks
- thinktank
- Sweden
- Sigurdur Ingi 'Siggi' Thordarson
- Sarah Harrison
- Publications
- Josh Schulte
- John Podesta
- Jeremy Hammond
- Iraq
- Edward Snowden
- Ecuador
- Corporations
- Chelsea Manning
- Julian Assange
- Afghanistan
Interesting reads
The Controversial Prosecutor at the Heart of the Julian Assange Case
Murtaza Hussain, The Intercept, July 2021
Everybody is invited to add new pages and modify the pages in this space. They are used to automatically, regularly, build the relational map.
Guidelines for editing
To create new pages, follow these few simple guidelines:
- Start a new page with a photo or illustration on the first line, aligned on the right. Images must be anywhere within the “the_actors” namespace. (images starting with “300×300-” must NOT be used to illustrate articles as they are generated for the map).
- ======Title of the page====== must be a name of a person or an entity.
- Links are the most important part of the relational map: list all links with a clear explanation like: [[the_actors:ukjudiciary:judge_arbuthnot|The husband of Lady Emma Arbuthnot]]
- When saying [[emma->is the mother of alexander]] (on Alexander's page) we don't need to add [[alexander->is the son of emma]] (on the page of Emma) because the link already exists!…
- Add any description, bio, quotes and stories from sourced articles on the rest of the page.
Don't be afraid to break anything! This is the magic of the wiki: all edits are saved so we can always restore a previous version if something doesn't quite work… Also check some more tips on how to edit a wiki.
Feel free to edit existing pages and create new pages! Minimal but relevant edits are always welcome and can be reviewed later in the process. (Don't forget to source all links)