Translations of this page?:

Extradition Vigil for Julian Assange

Location: Stadthalle Cottbus

Time: 16:00-18:00

FB event:

Contact: Friedenskoordination Cottbus and Attac Cottbus

Regular Gatherings in support of Julian Assange

Location: Sydney Town Hall

Time: 16:00

More info:

Contact: People For Assange / SAWC Sydney

Rally Before Congress Goes on Recess

Location: United States Capitol, First St SE

Time: 12:00

Contact: Action4Assange

For full and updated details, check out Action4Assange's protest schedule

FB event:


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  • 2020-09/day-2020-09-04.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/05 06:20
  • by iris