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Extradition Hearing Protest - Day 2

Location: Outside the Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court of England and Wales), London, EC4M 7EM

Time: 9:00 (hearing begins 9:30)

Contact: Committee to Defend Julian Assange


Imperialism on Trial - Live event

Speakers from a variety of backgrounds will share their expertise on imperialism in general, and on the Julian Assange case in particular.

Location: St Pancras Church, Easton road, London, NW1 2BA

Time: 19:00-22:00 (doors open 18:30)

Ticket: £5

Event info and tickets here


A gathering and banner display in protest of the extradition hearing of Assange.

Location: Raintree Park, 52 The Mall, Darwin, NT, OZ

Time: 11:00-14:30

Contact: / twitter


Protest and Press Conference

Location: British Consulate, 885 Second Avenue (b/w 47th and 48th st.)

Time: 11:00-13:00

Contact: NYC Free Assange

Rally in Franklin Square/Washington Post

Location: Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20008

Start: 12:00

Contact: Action4Assange


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  • 2020-09/day-2020-09-08.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/04 22:01
  • by iris