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Extradition Hearing Protest Outside the Old Bailey

Location: Outside the Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court of England and Wales), London, EC4M 7EM

Time: 9:00 (hearing begins 9:30)

Contact: Committee to Defend Julian Assange

Take a Stand for Julian Assange!

Location: UK Embassy, Wilhelmstraße 70, Berlin

Time: 10:00 - 18:00

From 29th Sept-2nd Oct, stand in front of the UK Embassy in Berlin for a one hour allocated slot, dressed in an orange prison suit. 8 people per day, for an hour each.

More info and to book your slot: / Ingo 0174-7308565 (art collective)


Regular weekly vigil (Wednesdays)

Location: Flaggenplatz in Jungfernstieg (near Cafe Mio)

Time: 17:00-19:00

Contact: Hamburg4Assange


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  • 2020-09/day-2020-09-30.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/28 09:34
  • by iris