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This page is dedicated to collective sharing of ideas for future actions.

Please share this link and daily movie recommendations with your friends and relatives:

UK: Send emails to UK Parliamentaries:

AUSTRALIA: Send emails to the President Prison Governors Association and the Australian Parliamentarians:

EMERGENCY ONLINE PROTEST! Julian’s lawyers will in court on March 25 at 10am to ask that he is freed on bail. Please print a poster or make your own, take a selfie & post on social media at 10am. Tag @DEAcampaign & the Home Secretary, Priti Patel @patel4witham

Instead of boiling in our own juices with rage for the cancellation of our ground solidarity due to the corona virus epidemic, let’s think outside the box and turn our actions online. What can one do?

1. Petitions, letter writing, twitter/facebook storms

2. Turn the on the ground actions into online vigils in the wonderful tradition of unity4j they used and livestreamed on youtube. SKILL UP organisers, skill up and go viral online.

3. Organise your own online group based on the group you’ve got on the ground and find your own format of demo/protest/vigil, keep the flame alive during lockdown.

4. Stream a chosen interview JA gave and stage an online discussion via or any other video conferencing app you can get hold off. Do a live podcast. It does not have to be perfect!!!!! Try and learn from trying.

5. Organise/Mobilise cross country based on timezones so it is easy to congregate. Reach out to people across borders, get to know who is who, organise common online actions. We already do so on Signal and Whatsapp chats, Twitter & Facebook pages.

Let’s take it further & have online conferences of solidarity activists. Don’t wait for an invitation ladies & gents - make it happen! Don’t do 1, do a 100 as and when you can link up, 1st by country then across borders. Corona Virus cannot stop our virtual travels!

Copied from:

Message from Mrs. Christine Assange:

Free Assange Campaign: 1. Press Freedom, 2. Fair legal process, 3. Human Rights:

These are valued by all people who value genuine freedom & democracy. All abused in my sons political persecution.

To raise max public/ political support for Julian please stick to these. Thank you.

1. is an online web-tool that send free faxes for you to BOTH state or national Legislators. ResistBot can be used via text messaging, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and/or iMessage to send personally written faxes, as quickly as you can type them.

2. is a website which offers a simple search format for people to find the addresses and phones for all Federal Congressional Representatives. This includes the Phone Number and Address for their local offices inside their district. Engaging the local offices with personal phone calls and hand written letters is the most effective way to capture the attention of Congressfolk and their staff members.

3. is an effective tool which provides links you to the Congressfolk’s Phone Number, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts.

Copied from:

Please feel free to share any of the official Don't Extradite Assange camapigning material on your social media accounts!

Use popular UK Twitter hashtags for campaging to #FreeAssange during #CoronaCrisisUk such as #SaturdayMotivation while you #StayHomeSaveLives. #DontExtraditeAssange campaign continues during #COVID-19 #lockdown while we #StayHome and practice #SocialDistancing to #FlattenTheCurve! Use the trending hashtags to reach more people with your message!

Please add your memes to the memes page!

Join the #AssangeChallenge!! Share the petition or movie list on your social media accounts and tag 3 people to challenge them to further share it to raise awareness about Julian’s continued torture! Let’s flood the internet!

NEW ACTION: Given the current impossibility of demonstrating for the release of Julian Assange, here is a “SOLO VIGIL” action that respects the rules of containment and social distancing proposed by #Candles4Assange.

The idea is to take a picture behind a barrier (or something that makes it work in your home) with a sign supporting #JulianAssange.

Please send the picture at with your name and your city

Contact parliamentaries, human rights organizations etc. on Twitter!

Here's a list of all UK parliamentaries Twitter accounts:

Perfect time to paper Home Secretary office again with a 'Mass Postcarding', like we did at Xmas!

Priti Patel

Home Office

2 Marsham Street


London, SW1P 4DF


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  • ideas.1586292665.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/04/07 20:51
  • by editor116