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Campaigning Material: DIY projects

Glue gun, scalpel and gaffer tape at the ready!

Protect whistleblowers, build a DIY Cardboard Whistle-head!

Build a Freedom Torch! Using affordable material, assemble yourself a device to project cool messages on walls at night!


You don't have to have computer to get your message across. Make some unique art!

Design your own, or use this template ☞ 'Free Julian' stencil

Virtual creations

batmanslappingrobin.jpg sadescobar.jpg

Create your own memes using a meme generator and add it to the memes page!

New to memes? Watch this to help you get started

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  • campaigning_material_diy_projects.1590653314.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/05/28 08:08
  • by miumiu