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A non-exhaustive list of the many actions that happened, are happening and will happen in defense of freedom of the press, WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

An attempt to give visibility to these actions, as well as to inspire new ones! Feel free to add you own actions, or some you are aware of but are not listed here

For the most consistently updated list of actions please refer to:

Upcoming events

Weekly / Ongoing events


Candles4Assange: A global collective of supporters who came together first on 3 July 2019 from over 62 cities and 25 countries to fight for Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning on Julian Assange's birthday. We now work with a series of groups to list and instigated international solidarity actions in support of specific one-off actions going on in Belmarsh / Central London and key sites in the US and Australia

There are over 40 cities holding regular protests (almost 30 in Germany alone!) and daily events / sit-ins and various daily actions going on in Brisbane, London and Melbourne which we also try to list and promote: with German and European cities covered in more detail in ​


BRUSSELS, BELGIUM -UK Consul 5PM Commite Free Assange Belgium (FB) POTSDAM GERMANY -Steubenplatz 6PM ​


VIENNA - Stephansplatz 5PM @yviy1

ROSTOCK - Universitätsplatz 5PM (fortnightly)

FRANKFURT - Zeil am Brockhaus 5PM (fortnightly 18 Mar / 1 + 22 April ALSO MAY 18 same time)

SCHWERIN - Marienplatz Ecke 6PM (fortnightly)

MÜNCHEN - Marienplatz 4PM

DRESDEN - Jorge-Gomondai-Platz 7PM (fortnightly)

HANAU - Marktplatz 10AM (fortnightly)

BERLIN - Brandenburger Tor 7PM

DÜSSELDORF - Hauptbahnhof 5PM (fortnightly)

COTTBUS - Stadthallenvorplatz 7PM (fortnightly)

ULM - Fußgängerzone 5PM (fortnightly)

HAMBURG -Flaggenplatz 5PM (fortnightly)

SINGEN - Ecke August-Ruf-Str. 6PM (fortnightly)

STUTTGART -Rotebühlplz\Marienstr 5PM

HANNOVER -Friedrich,Ecke Maschst 6PM (fortnightly)

HEIDELBERG -Befreit die Wahrheit 12NOON (fortnightly)

BADEN-BADEN -Leopoldsplatz 5PM (fortnightly)

KARLSRUHE –Ludwigplatz 10.30AM (fortnightly)

MÖNCHENGLADBACH -Alten Markt 5PM (1 x month)


NEW YORK USA – Grand Central 5.30PM @NYCFreeAssange

BREMEN GERMANY - Marketplatz 5PM


MELBOURNE State Library Vic 6.30PM @Melbourne4Wiki

SYDNEY AUSTRALIA - Town Hall 12 NOON @people4assange ​


LONDON Belmarsh 2PM

LONDON Trafalgar Square UK 5PM

BRISBANE OZ King George Sq. 2PM

NEWPORT Thomas Sq. Isle of Wight 4PM

FRANKFURT - Zeil am Brockhaus 12-2PM (monthly 11 April / 9 May)


Hungry for Press Freedom (Brussels, Belgium)

A month long hunger strike performance where actors -each on 24 hour shifts, are confined to a small prison cell, under the surveillance of another actor, the prison guard. The cell is visible for passerby’s to see.

A meeting point where people interested in human rights, are invited to network, exchange ideas, and get creative.

Various talks, debates, performances, workshops, and film screenings to engage with the public and create dialogue.

A lounge space with library where people can inform themselves.

An ever evolving dedicated exhibition to which people are invited to contribute.

Rue Blaes 132, 1000 Bruxelles**

We Are Millions Photo Campaign

The photo-gallery campaign We Are Millions aims at displaying the multitude of supports of Assange. It has been turned several times into exhibits.

Anything to say ?

“Anything to say?”, is a life size bronze sculpture, portraying three figures each one standing on a chair. The fourth chair is empty because it is our chair. The one for us to stand up on to express ourselves or simply to stand next to Edward Snowden, Julien Assange and Chelsea Manning, who had the courage to say no to the intrusion of global surveillance and to lies that lead to war. Both loved and hated, they chose to loose the comfort zone of their lives to tell the truth.

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  • actions_and_exhibitions.1583926462.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/03/11 11:34
  • by greenweaver