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The WikiLeaks Defence Fund promotes media and public activities to defend Julian Assange and other WikiLeaks journalists. The Fund supports a dedicated campaign team which works across global media to build support for WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know.

The Defence Fund is run by the Courage Foundation – a trust audited by accountants Sterling Partners in the UK for the purpose of providing legal defence and campaign aid to whistleblowers and journalistic sources.

Timeline and updates

Exhaustive timeline and numerous legal arguments in the defense of Assange:


A compilation of documents and resources, legal documents, briefings, fact sheets

Don't Extradite Assange - UK Campaign

Upcoming actions in London and in the UK

Emerge Heart

A Spontaneous crowd of international artists joined forces in support of Julian Assange as the UK court considers his extradition to the USA where he faces 175 years in jail. Through analog hacking of murals, performances, photography, drawings and video they stand in solidarity with whistleblowers, journalists and activists being brutally repressed. They are telling these stories in hope to inspire a broad discussion about press freedom and the fragile boundaries of our democracies.

Art gallery:


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  • online_resources_for_defending_assange.1577451313.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/12/27 12:55
  • by editor4002