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Debunking all the Assange smears

Caitlin Johnstone debunks all the Assange smears and gives tips for how to argue against them using fact, logic, and wise use of once time and energy

Understanding the Swedish case

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer stated in an official letter to the Swedish government publicly released (..), the investigation “was the primary factor that triggered, enabled and encouraged the subsequent campaign of sustained and concerted public mobbing and judicial persecution against Mr. Assange in various countries, the cumulative effects of which can only described as psychological torture.”

Demasking the Torture of Assange

By Nils Melzer, UN rapporteur on torture, 26 June 2019

Dismantling the Swedish "rape" narrative against Julian Assange

By Nils Melzer, UN rapporteur on torture, 2 Jul 2019

Collapse of Swedish "Sexual misconduct" fame-up exposes political conspiracy against Assange
Avoiding Assange
Few documents, many mysteries: how our FOIA case is unveiling the questionable handling of the Julian Assange case
Getting Julian Assange, the untold story
We are women against rape but we do not want Julian Assange extradited

The WikiLeaks Defence Fund promotes media and public activities to defend Julian Assange and other WikiLeaks journalists. The Fund supports a dedicated campaign team which works across global media to build support for WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know.

The Defence Fund is run by the Courage Foundation – a trust audited by accountants Sterling Partners in the UK for the purpose of providing legal defence and campaign aid to whistleblowers and journalistic sources.

get background and updates

Exhaustive timeline and numerous legal arguments in the defense of Assange:


A compilation of documents and resources, legal documents, briefings, fact sheets

Upcoming actions in London and in the UK

A Spontaneous crowd of international artists joined forces in support of Julian Assange as the UK court considers his extradition to the USA where he faces 175 years in jail. Through analog hacking of murals, performances, photography, drawings and video they stand in solidarity with whistleblowers, journalists and activists being brutally repressed. They are telling these stories in hope to inspire a broad discussion about press freedom and the fragile boundaries of our democracies.

Art gallery:


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  • online_resources_for_defending_assange.1577441499.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/12/27 10:11
  • by editor4002