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Regular weekly vigils - 2 locations!

Location: Belmarsh Prison

Time: 12:00-15:00

Location: Piccadilly Circus (Eros Statue)

Time: 16:00-18:00

Contact: Candles4Assange UK

Regular weekly vigil (Saturdays)

Location: Blume-Brunnen, am oberen Ende der Fußgängerzone, Ecke Lange Straße / Gernsbacher Straße

Time: 17:00

Location: Zeil 87, 60313 Frankfurt am Main (am Brockhausbrunnen, zwischen Konstablerwache und Hauptwache)

Time: 13:00-15:00

Contact: Free Assange Frankfurt am Main

Marcha Por La Liberatión de Julian Assange

Location: March from the UK Embassy to the US Embassy, then to the Monumento a la Independencia

Time: 12:00

Contact: #24F Coalición Vida y Libertad Julian Assange


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  • 2020-10/day-2020-10-10.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/10 08:47
  • by iris