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getting_involved_101 [2020/03/10 10:54] feistyspinachgetting_involved_101 [2020/05/12 13:14] (current) – removed miumiu
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-====== Getting involved 101 ====== 
-Here are 9 easy steps you can take to help Wikileaks and Julian Assange: 
-===== 1. Donate to official fundraisers ===== 
-WikiLeaks is entirely funded by its readers and is being challenged by multi-million dollar corporations. We rely on supporters like you to help.  
-===== 2. Send emails/letters ===== 
-Write to your political representative, human rights organizations, media and workers’ unions. 
-==== Letter templates ==== 
-==== Suggested email addresses ==== 
-senator.Payne@aph.gov.au, rob.davis@hmps.gsi.gov.uk, westminster.mc@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, southlondonmc@justice.gov.uk, parliamentary.group@assangecampaign.org.au, un@fidh.org, bruxelles@fidh.org, thehague@fidh.org, contact@fidh.org, commissioner@coe.int, alert.dio@coe.int, drh@coe.int, international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net, information@ishr.ch, information.ny@ishr.ch, info@icj.org, info@crd.org, london@humanrightsinitiative.org, eplondon@europarl.europa.eu, epwashington@europarl.europa.eu, info@berniesanders.com, us@ocasio2018.com, direction@rsf.org, gp.gs@gov.si, 24ur.com@pop-tv.si, preverjeno@pop-tv.si, pr@rtvslo.si, media@pmc.gov.au, foi@pmc.gov.au, GeneralEnquiries.LhLh@dfat.gov.au, newswatch@bbc.co.uk, haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk, comments@cnn.com, cnbctips@nbcuni.com, investigations@cnbc.com, info@swedishpress.com, ud.kom.ipc@gov.se, i.nijhuis@minjenv.nl, k.van.eerde@minjenv.nl, hdb@curia.europa.eu, info@eclj.org, InternationalRelationsJudicialOffice@judiciary.uk, JudicialComplaints@judiciaryni.uk, davinia.Houghton@justice.gov.uk, hcenquiries@parliament.uk, offleyroad@globaljustice.org.uk 
-==== Send emails online tool ==== 
-Send pre-composed emails easily and quickly to Australian parlamentaries, Governor of Belmarsh prison Rob Davis, District judge Vanessa Baraister, Home secretary Priti Patel, Westminster Magistrates Court and Chair NHS England and NHS Improvement Lord David Prior: 
-===== 3. Sign petitions ===== 
-These are the 7 biggest active online petitions: 
-1. Journalists speak up for Assange: https://speak-up-for-assange.org/ 
-2. Don’t hand Assange over to the US: https://www.change.org/p/don-t-hand-assange-over-to-the-u-s 
-3. Free Julian Assange before it’s too late: https://www.change.org/p/free-julian-assange-before-it-s-too-late-stop-usa-extradition 
-4. DIEM25: https://internal.diem25.org/en/petitions/1 
-5. Reporters without borders (RSF): https://rsf.org/en/free-assange 
-6. Roots Action: To Judge Vanessa Baraitser: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/judge-baraitser-do-not-extradite-julian-assange-to-the-usa 
-7. Amnesty international: https://www.amnesty.org/en/get-involved/take-action/julian-assange-usa-justice/ 
-===== 4. Write to Julian Assange ===== 
-As initiated by https://writejulian.com, you can join the mass letter writing campaign. Instructions described [[belmarsh_high-security_prison#write_to_julian_assange_in_belmarsh|here]]. Before writing to Julian please write at least one letter to a politician or leader and take another action to defend Julian. Please write short personal notes and let Julian know of the actions you've taken to help defend him. Please do not include sensitive information in your letter. 
-You can email Julian here, https://www.emailaprisoner.com/ You will be asked to supply his prisoner number, A9379AY.  These mails are supposed to be delivered in a timely manner and the cost is approximately .40p 
-===== 5. Keep yourself informed ===== 
-Follow [[https://twitter.com/wikileaks|WikiLeaks]], [[https://twitter.com/couragefound|Courage Foundation]], [[https://twitter.com/AssangeLegal|Assange Legal]], [[https://twitter.com/DefendAssange|Defend Assange]] on Twitter 
-Help us share the info on [[https://defend.wikileaks.org/liveblog/|Defend WikiLeaks Liveblog]] and [[https://www.couragefound.org/category/news|Courage Foundation News]] 
-Follow media outlets which report independently on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, such as [[https://consortiumnews.com/|Consortium News]], [[https://www.thecanary.co/|The Canary]], [[https://www.counterpunch.org/|Counterpunch]], [[https://www.democracynow.org/|Democracy Now]], [[https://therealnews.com/|The Real News Network]], [[https://www.truthdig.com/|Truthdig]], and [[https://www.wsws.org/|WSWS]]. 
-===== 6. Challenge false reporting in the media ===== 
-Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are the subject of regular false claims and smears in the media – a consequence of challenging the powerful. Media outlets which should support truthtellers often choose to side with powerful interests seeking to undermine WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know. A common smear has become to falsely link Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to Russia, when no links exist. You can write to media outlets and individual journalists who report false news, pointing out the truth. You can use individual newspapers’ complaint mechanisms to challenge editors and press them to issue apologies and retractions. You can use your online, social media presence to inform others about false media reporting. 
-===== 7. Join a protest near you ===== 
-List of upcoming events can be found [[events|here]]. 
-===== 8. Start your own support group ===== 
-Manual on how to start your own local support group and organize a protest can be found here:  
-  * [[Support Groups Manual]]  
-===== 9. Join We Are Millions Photo Campaign ===== 
-FB: https://www.facebook.com/WErMILLIONS/ 
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/wermillions 
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wermillions/