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7th September 2020 - Extradition hearing resumes

• London, UK

Extradition Hearing Protest - Day 1

Location: Outside the Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court of England and Wales), London, EC4M 7EM

Time: 9:00 (hearing begins 9:30)

Contact: Committee to Defend Julian Assange


• Adelaide, OZ

Protest for #JulianAssange

Location: 55 Currie Street

Time: 16:00-18:00

Contact: Australian Assange Campaign / twitter


• Berlin, GER

Location: Brandenburger Tor/ US Embassy

Time: 10:30-18:00

Contact: Free Assange Committee Germany

• Brisbane, OZ

Solidarity with #JulianAssange - 1st day of extradition to U.S. hearing *Stop the Extradition *Free Julian *Free Press *Free Speech *Defend Journalism

Location: UK Consulate, 100 Eagle St, Brisbane, Queensland

Time: 11:00


• Brussels, BE

Location: Ambassade du Royaume-Uni, 10 avenue d'Auderghem (rond-point Schuman)

Time: 17:00-19:00

Contact: Comité Free.Assange.Belgium


• Cottbus, GER

Regular weekly vigils (Mondays)

Location: Stadthallenvorplatz (Berliner Platz 1)

Time: 18:00

Contact: Friedenskoordination Cottbus and Attac Cottbus

• Darwin, OZ

A gathering and banner display in protest of the extradition hearing of Assange.

Location: Raintree Park, 52 The Mall, Darwin, NT, OZ

Time: 11:00-14:30

Contact: / twitter


• Denver, CO, US

Global Protest - #YellowRibbons4Assnge


Location: Cheesman Park (by Pavillion) 1900 East 11th Ave, Denver, CO

Time: 10:00 meet up


• Edinburgh, SCOT

Location: US Embassy, 3 Regent Terrace, EH7 5BW

Time: 10:00-12:00

Contact: Scots Defend Assange


• Hobart, Tazmania, OZ

Roving Visual Action, walk to Elizabeth Mall/Parliament Offices and lawns

Location: Franklin Sq, Hobart

Time: 11:30 start, Parliament by 12:45

• Mexico

Marcha Por La Liberatión de Julian Assange

Location: March from the UK Embassy to the US Embassy

Time: 12:00

More info: facebook

Contact: #24F Coalición Vida y Libertad Julian Assange


Mexico con Julian joins the Global Campaign

Location: online

Time: (tbc)

Contact: Mexico con Julian


• New York City, USA

Rally and Speak Out

Location: Washington Square Park (5th ave. and Washigton Sq. North) - meet near the arch.

Time: 13:00-15:00

Contact: NYC Free Assange


• Paris, FR

Rassemblement pour Julian Assange

Location: meet at Métro Opéra

Time: 11:00

More info: Facebook

Contact: Assange L'ultime Combat


• Rome, IT

Rally Outside the US Embassy

Location: Ambasciata USA, via V. Vento 21, Roma, Italia

Time: 9:00-12:00

Contact: Italiani Per Assange


• Saint-Nazaire, FR

RDV en soutien au journaliste Julian Assange

Location: Place du Commando, St-Nazaire

Time: 14:00

Contact Comité de Soutien 44 à Julian Assange


• San Francisco, CA, US

Extradition Hearing Protest (+ film screening)

Please Stand Up for Julian Assange & All Journalists!
We will be screening the newly released film by Juan Passarelli, The War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange

Location: San Francisco British Consulate General, 1 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104

Time: 12:00-14:00

More Info:

Contact: Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange


• Toronto, CAN

Will you join us in your city to help #FreeAssange? We rise, we grow We walk and we stand tall From north and south We come from east and west We fight for U 4 freedom unforeseen We never stop Whistling our chant In the heat of the night

Location: US Consulate, 360 University Avenue, M5G 1S4

Time: 9:00 - all day

Contact: twitter


• Vienna, AUS

Location: Platz der Menschenrechte, Mariahilfer Strasse 1, 1070 VIENNA

Time: 17:00-19:00

Contact: twitter


• Washington, DC, USA

Labour Day Rally at the National Mall

Location: Location within in the National Mall to come soon

Start: 12:00

Contact: Action4Assange

For full and updated details, check out Action4Assange's protest schedule

FB event:


• Wellington, NZ

This could be our last chance to voice our opposition to this SHOWTRIAL.

Location: New Zealand Parliament, Molesworth Street, Wellington, NZ 6011

Time: 12:00-3:00 (@14:00: walk to the British High Commission)


Contact: Free Assange NZ / twitter
