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julian_assange_and_his_work [2021/01/01 17:03] – [Press releases] editor118julian_assange_and_his_work [2024/03/25 14:51] (current) – [Books] editor42
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 https://defend.wikileaks.org/timeline/ https://defend.wikileaks.org/timeline/
-==== Analysis & perspectives ====+==== About WikiLeaks work by topics ==== 
 +Listed in this section is a selection of news clips, articles, analysis, opinions related to WikiLeaks journalistic work by various commentators, categorized by topics 
 +  * For the original documents, Press Releases, and Analysis by WikiLeaks, follow links to the WikiLeaks website.  
 +  * For expert analysis on the most important cables and their historical importance by regions of the world, read The WikiLeaks Files, The World According to US Empire (Verso books, 2015) 
 +=== Intelligence === 
 +See https://wikileaks.org/+-Intelligence-+.html 
 +=== Global economy === 
 +See https://wikileaks.org/+-Global-Economy-+.html  
 +=== International Politics === 
 +See https://wikileaks.org/+-International-Politics-+.html 
 +=== Corporations === 
 +See https://wikileaks.org/+-Corporations-+.html 
 +=== Government === 
 +See https://wikileaks.org/+-Government-+.html 
 +=== War and Military === 
 +See https://wikileaks.org/+-War-Military-+.html 
 +**WikiLeaks cables in Afghanistan show monumental corruption** (CNN, 2010) 
 +** Why is Biden prosecuting Assange for telling the truth about Afghanistan ?** 
 +Opinion by Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Alice Walker - Newsweek 9/10/21 
 +==== General analysis & perspectives on WikiLeaks work ====
 === A return to the WikiLeaks of 2010 by Naomi Colvin === === A return to the WikiLeaks of 2010 by Naomi Colvin ===
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 An essential text from the book [[https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/in-defense-of-julian-assange/ | In Defense of Julian Assange OR Books]] where more texts about the work and legacy of WikiLeaks can be found An essential text from the book [[https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/in-defense-of-julian-assange/ | In Defense of Julian Assange OR Books]] where more texts about the work and legacy of WikiLeaks can be found
 +===  Il potere segreto. Perché vogliono distruggere Julian Assange e Wikileaks ===
 +Stefania Maurizi, Chiarelettere, agosto 2021
 +=== Moving The Bar, my life as a radical lawyer ===
 +Chapter 1 : Truth Tellers -  Michael Ratner, O/R Books 2021
 ===== Assange & WikiLeaks in their own words ===== ===== Assange & WikiLeaks in their own words =====
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 https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/opinion/sunday/the-banality-of-googles-dont-be-evil.html https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/opinion/sunday/the-banality-of-googles-dont-be-evil.html
 +=== WikiLeaks has the same mission as The Post and The Times ===
 ==== Books ==== ==== Books ====
-=== The WikiLeaks Files === +Check the [[bibliography|bibliography and book repository]] page!
- +
-- //The world according to US Empire// +
- +
-Intoduction by Julian Assange, August 2016 +
- +
-https://www.versobooks.com/events/1225-the-wikileaks-files +
- +
-=== Underground, Tales of hacking...=== +
- +
-Underground, tales of hacking, madness, and obsession on the electronic frontier +
- +
-Suelette Dreyfus +
- +
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_(Dreyfus_book) +
- +
-=== How I lost, by Hillary Clinton === +
- +
-Introduced and annotated by JOE LAURIA +
- +
-With a foreword by JULIAN ASSANGE +
- +
-http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/how-i-lost/ +
- +
-=== Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks === +
- +
-by Angela Richter, Renata Avila, Sarah Harrison +
- +
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 http://www.editions-galilee.fr/f/index.php?sp=liv&livre_id=3446 http://www.editions-galilee.fr/f/index.php?sp=liv&livre_id=3446
-==== Interviews of Julian Assange ====+==== Interviews with Julian Assange ==== 
 +=== I enjoy crushing bastards === 
 +WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on the War Logs 
 +Spiegel, 26/07/2010 
 === Forbes 2010 === === Forbes 2010 ===
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 https://newint.org/features/web-exclusive/2012/04/01/julian-assange/ https://newint.org/features/web-exclusive/2012/04/01/julian-assange/
 +=== The Nation - An Interview with Julian Assange === 
 +Chris Hedges, May 2013
 === Der Spiegel interview 2015 === === Der Spiegel interview 2015 ===
  • julian_assange_and_his_work.1609520613.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/01 17:03
  • by editor118