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institutefordissentanddatalove:wekillleaks-alpha-patchset [2024/08/15 17:32] editor116institutefordissentanddatalove:wekillleaks-alpha-patchset [2024/08/18 10:08] (current) editor116
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-====== WEKILL//LEAKS - "Alpha" edition - a "patch set" ======+===== WEKILL / / LEAKS - "Alpha" edition - a "patch set" ======
-More information about WEKILL//LEAKS: https://dissent-and-datalove.institute/artworks/wkl/+More information about WEKILL / / LEAKS: https://dissent-and-datalove.institute/artworks/wkl/
 ---- ----
-[Because reasons] the Alpha edition of WEKILL//LEAKS is seriously *inbalanced*. It is *playable*, but it means one player is much more likely to *winthan the other. (This is what an "alpha" edition is about....)+[Because reasons] **the "Alphaedition of WEKILL / / LEAKS is seriously inbalanced**. It is //playable// (and hopefully fun!), but it means one player is much more likely to //win// than the other. (This is what an "alpha" edition is about....)
 ---- ----
-In order to progress on the path of 1.0, and to make the ALpha edition itself more fun to play, here are suggestions on how to experiment on amending the rules and the cards themselves:+In order to progress on the path to 1.0, and to make the "Alpha" edition itself more fun to play and replay, here are suggestions on how to experiment on amending the rules and the cards themselves:
-==== Small rule changes ====+===== Small rule changes =====
 Try to start the game with the following scores: Try to start the game with the following scores:
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   * The Empire - 4 points of LEGITIMACY / 4 points of VIOLENCE   * The Empire - 4 points of LEGITIMACY / 4 points of VIOLENCE
-==== Changes on the cards themselves ====+(please report back on the [[https://pad.systemli.org/p/qE96y9-LaqsqcASk_Ysc-keep|feedback pad]], after a few games with such settings)
-Some cards, modified in last minute before printing (!) contains mistakes, or are too powerful. Here are a few suggestions of changes that can be done to the cards themselves, using markers (to blank out certain parts), masking tape (to write over certain parts) or any other way. +===== Changes on the cards themselves ===== 
 +{{ :institutefordissentanddatalove:wekillleaks_alpha_patch_stickers.jpg?nolink&250|a pile of stickers dedicated to "patching" the "alpha" edition cards}} 
 +Some cards, modified in the last minute before printing (!) contain mistakes, or are too powerful. Here are a few suggestions of changes that can be done to the cards themselves, using markers (to blank out certain parts), masking tape (to write over certain parts) or any other way. 
-//A dedicated sticker, to use for patching the cards themselves, has been printed, and is made available to anyone willing to experiment. Contact us for getting some (free shipping to you!).//+//A dedicated sticker, to use for patching the cards themselves, has been printed, and is made available to anyone willing to experiment. [[https://dissent-and-datalove.institute/#contact|Contact us]] for getting some (free shipping to you!).//
 +Also experiment with your own patches, and report on the [[https://pad.systemli.org/p/qE96y9-LaqsqcASk_Ysc-keep|feedback pad]]!
-=== THE EMPIRE: === +==== THE EMPIRE: ==== 
-  * Intimidation -> "+1 legitimacy" (instead of violence) +{{ :institutefordissentanddatalove:patching_wekillleaks_alpha.jpg?nolink&250|}} 
-  * Military contractors -> "+1 legitimacy" (instead of violence) +  * **Intimidation** -> "+1 legitimacy" (instead of violence) 
-  * Censorship -> Head: chose -1 legitimacy OR -1 violence (or if simpler just replace legitimacy by violence) +  * **Military contractor**s -> "+1 legitimacy" (instead of violence) 
-  * (maybe also:  State of emergency -> "+1 legitimacy" (instead of violence) )+  * **Censorship** -> Head: chose -1 legitimacy OR -1 violence (or if simpler just replace legitimacy by violence) 
 +  * (maybe also:  **State of emergency** -> "+1 legitimacy" (instead of violence) )
-=== THE LEAK: === +==== THE LEAK: ==== 
-  * Advanced source protection -> "while in play, all REPRESSION cards (strike out war, media) require +1 violence (instead of legitimacy)" +  * **Advanced source protection** -> "while in play, all REPRESSION cards (strike out "war, media") require +1 violence(instead of legitimacy) 
-  * Censorship resistant servers -> remove the "+1 capacity"+  * **Censorship resistant servers** -> remove the "+1 capacity"
   *    * 
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 More information soon! Follow this page, the [[https://pad.systemli.org/p/qE96y9-LaqsqcASk_Ysc-keep|feedback pad]] (on which you are invited to contribute!), or join the [[https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-5&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F6iIcWT_dF2zN_w5xzZEY7HI2Prbh3ldP07YTyDexPjE%3D%40smp10.simplex.im%2F4ZsqRBupObeSxwRa3whCqkQrMI9c7D1p%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAC_SUs8AyONPBp390mYFAhnl-Py1S_-lkarHvlTSTxTY%253D%26srv%3Drb2pbttocvnbrngnwziclp2f4ckjq65kebafws6g4hy22cdaiv5dwjqd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22a9XezxhUa8THCXZmALzpHQ%3D%3D%22%7D|Simplex chat group of the Institute for Dissent and Datalove]] to follow the next steps of the project! More information soon! Follow this page, the [[https://pad.systemli.org/p/qE96y9-LaqsqcASk_Ysc-keep|feedback pad]] (on which you are invited to contribute!), or join the [[https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-5&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F6iIcWT_dF2zN_w5xzZEY7HI2Prbh3ldP07YTyDexPjE%3D%40smp10.simplex.im%2F4ZsqRBupObeSxwRa3whCqkQrMI9c7D1p%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAC_SUs8AyONPBp390mYFAhnl-Py1S_-lkarHvlTSTxTY%253D%26srv%3Drb2pbttocvnbrngnwziclp2f4ckjq65kebafws6g4hy22cdaiv5dwjqd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22a9XezxhUa8THCXZmALzpHQ%3D%3D%22%7D|Simplex chat group of the Institute for Dissent and Datalove]] to follow the next steps of the project!
 +{{ :institutefordissentanddatalove:patched_wekillleaks_alpha.jpg?nolink&800 |}}
  • institutefordissentanddatalove/wekillleaks-alpha-patchset.1723743165.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/08/15 17:32
  • by editor116