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decentralised_month_of_solidarity_with_assange_whistleblowers_and_press_freedom_worldwide [2020/08/31 20:48] editor42decentralised_month_of_solidarity_with_assange_whistleblowers_and_press_freedom_worldwide [2020/09/02 12:52] (current) editor42
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 +<WRAP centerl round important>
 +===Frequently updated calendar and list of events worldwide!===
 +**Check this [[sept2020hearingactions|actions&events page]] regularly!**
 [[sept2020hearingactions|{{ :protest_photos:p1050555-1.jpg?nolink&400|}}]]On September 7th 2020, the farcical extradition hearing of Julian Assange resumes for 3-4 weeks. If extradited to the US - where granted no "First Amendment" protection - he faces 175 years in a super-max prison. The US, the UK, aided by Ecuador, Sweden and others, are attempting to silence Assange and WikiLeaks. Their aim is to set a precedent that will globally harm the ability to publish information that governments want to keep secret, along with our collective capacity to organise and act based on that information. [[sept2020hearingactions|{{ :protest_photos:p1050555-1.jpg?nolink&400|}}]]On September 7th 2020, the farcical extradition hearing of Julian Assange resumes for 3-4 weeks. If extradited to the US - where granted no "First Amendment" protection - he faces 175 years in a super-max prison. The US, the UK, aided by Ecuador, Sweden and others, are attempting to silence Assange and WikiLeaks. Their aim is to set a precedent that will globally harm the ability to publish information that governments want to keep secret, along with our collective capacity to organise and act based on that information.
-The show trial of Assange heralds the intended destruction of our right to a free, independent, incisive and investigative press. The US seeks to criminalise and deter national security reporting in particular, as well as actions journalists take to protect their sources. The attempted labeling of journalism and the organising of public access to information as "conspiracy for espionage" [1] by the US is unacceptable by democratic standards as it cripples the right of the public to know what governments do in their name.+The show trial of Assange heralds the intended destruction of our right to a free, independent, incisive and investigative press. The US seeks to criminalise and deter national security reporting in particular, as well as actions journalists take to protect their sources. The attempted labelling of journalism and the organising of public access to information as "conspiracy for espionage" [1] by the US is unacceptable by democratic standards as it cripples the right of the public to know what governments do in their name.
 The documents released by WikiLeaks for which Assange stands accused provide comprehensive evidence of the brutal war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan [2], accessible in an undeniable, authentic and searchable form. WikiLeaks operates as any investigative journalist should in the 21st century; protecting their sources and securing their communications in their exposing of government lies and corruption.  The documents released by WikiLeaks for which Assange stands accused provide comprehensive evidence of the brutal war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan [2], accessible in an undeniable, authentic and searchable form. WikiLeaks operates as any investigative journalist should in the 21st century; protecting their sources and securing their communications in their exposing of government lies and corruption. 
  • decentralised_month_of_solidarity_with_assange_whistleblowers_and_press_freedom_worldwide.1598906894.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/08/31 20:48
  • by editor42