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campaigning_material [2020/02/23 18:47] editor4002campaigning_material [2020/09/06 12:14] (current) – [Various artists] editor42
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 +============ Campaigning Material ============
 **Collections of materials, of any type or medium, that everyone can use and reuse.** **Collections of materials, of any type or medium, that everyone can use and reuse.**
-See also [[Online resource for defending Assange|Useful resources online]]+\\ 
 +☞ **★ CHECK OUT OUR BRAND NEW [[:campaigning_material#audio_material|AUDIO MATERIAL !]] ★ ** Includes a dedicated radio station, jingles and a playlist!! 
 +See also:  
 +☞ **[[campaigning_material_diy_projects|DIY Projects]]**\\ 
 +☞ **[[online_resources_for_defending_assange|Online Resources for Defending Assange]]** 
 +====== Graphics ====== 
 +===== Somerset Bean ===== 
 +Amazing gallery of free downloadable official campaign artworks: flyers, posters, banners, stickers and more.\\ 
 +Go to: ☞ http://somersetbean.com/free-assange/ for alternative sizes, in HQ pdf or jpg format. 
 +You can contact Somerset Bean on [[https://twitter.com|twitter]], or by [[bean@somersetbean.com|email]] to request custom dimensions and specs (EU and US paper sizes). 
 +**NEW !** **One Year in Belmarsh** infographics (see website) and booklet ☞ {{campaign_material:somerset_bean:infographics:assange-1year-a5-booklet-print.pdf|PDF}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:posters-p ?3&200x200&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:posters_l ?3&215x2015&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:banners_p ?3&460x460&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:badges_stickers ?4&140x140&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:banners_l ?3&250x250&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:infographics ?2&350x350&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +{{gallery>:campaign_material:somerset_bean:other ?1&450x450&lightbox&random&nocache}} 
 +=====  Don't Extradite Assange (DEA) =====  
 +☞ https://dontextraditeassange.com/ 
 +=====  Various artists =====  
 +  * **End The Show Trial! (series)** ☞ {{campaign_material:various_artists:end-show-trial-series.zip|zip}}\\ 
 +  * **Can You Help Us?** ☞ {{campaign_material:various_artists:can-you-help.pdf|PDF}} (Dickileaks) 
 +  * **Wanted!** ☞ {{campaign_material:various_artists:assange-wanted-postera4-print.pdf|PFD}}\\ 
 +  * **Jail the War Criminals!**  ☞ {{campaign_material:various_artists:jail-war-crim-poster-20x30-l.dyer.pdf|PDF}} or visit https://leecamp.com/free-assange-poster/ (Lucy Dyer) 
 +  * **Wake Up!** ☞ https://www.remainhumain.com/ (Remain Humain) 
 +  * **QR Code Collateral Murder** ☞ {{campaign_material:various_artists:qr_code_collateral_murder_a4.pdf |PDF}}\\ 
 +  * **10 Years Collateral Murder** ☞ {{campaign_material:various_artists:10y-collateral_murder.pdf |PDF}} (LS) 
 +====== Postcards ====== 
 +  * **Hands Off Assange** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:postcard2-hands-off-assange-front.pdf|PDF}} (front) {{campaign_material:postcards:postcard2-hands-off-assange-back.pdf|PDF}} (back) (Somerset Bean) 
 +  * **Welcome to Greenwich** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome_to_greenwich_postcard_front_.pdf |PDF}} (front) ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome_to_greenwich_postcard_back_.pdf|PDF}} (back)\\ 
 +  * **Welcome to London** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome-to-london-postcard.pdf |PDF}} (front) 
 +====== Flyers ====== 
 +  * **No To Extradition** (Committee to Defend Julian Assange) flyer ☞ {{campaign_material:flyers:no-to-extradition-flyer-front.pdf|PDF}} (front) {{campaign_material:flyers:no-to-extradition-flyer-back.pdf|PDF}} (back) 
 +====== Stencils ====== 
 +Download ☞ **a beautiful gift** from our Aussie friends  
 +[[https://twitter.com/Aus4Assange/status/1230712167642517504|@Aus4Assange]] <3\\ 
 +Please consider donating to their [[https://www.gofundme.com/f/australians-for-assange|gofundme]]\\ 
 +{{gallery> :campaign_material:stencils?4&180x180&lightbox}} 
 +{{twit-oz-yello-stencil.png?300 }}\\ 
 +====== Masks ====== 
 +  * **Colour Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:jamask.pdf|PDF}}\\ 
 +  * **B&W Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:a4_assange-mask-lrg.pdf|PDF}} 
 +  * **B&W Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:mask2-a4.pdf|PDF}} 
 +====== Online resources ====== 
 +===== Unity4J Pinterest page ===== 
 +A selection of printable graphics.\\ 
 +☞ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/unity4j/printable-graphics/ 
 +{{campaign_material:unity_4_j:u4j-pint-ja-aussies-too-rnd-sticker.jpg?190}} {{campaign_material:unity_4_j:u4j-pint-ticks-cross-sb.png?330}} 
 +===== Bay Action 4 Assange ===== 
 +☞ https://bayaction2freeassange.org/resources/\\ 
 +===== EmergeHeart: art===== 
 +Artist collective publishes artworks, photos, remixes. 
 +☞ https://emergeheart.info/s/art 
 +===== For Assange ===== 
 +French website collecting artwork dedicated to Julian Assange.\\
 +☞  https://www.forassange.com/portfolio
-===== Images =====+{{gallery>:_campaign_material:for_assange_art?4&170x170&lightbox&random}}
-=== Sommerset Bean ===+---- 
 +====== Audio Material ======
-Amazing gallery of artworks by Sommerset Bean:+Use music and sound in your protest, online or offline!
-http://somersetbean.com/free-assange/+☞ [[:music_playlist|Music Playlist]]
-{{:wiki:dont-extradite-assange-uk-poster2web.jpg?200}}+☞ [[https://p-node.org/freeassange/|Radio Free Assange]]
-=== EmergeHeart ===+☞ **★ NEW!: COLLATERAL MIXTAPES ★ ** [[https://archive.org/details/collateral-mixtape-2020|Listen and download]]
-Artist collective publishes artworks, photosremixes:+☞ **★ NEW!: DECENTRALISED MONTH OF SOLIDARITY WITH ASSANGEWHISTLEBLOWERS AND PRESS FREEDOM WORLDWIDE [JINGLE EN] ★ ** [[https://archive.org/details/decentralized-month-solidarity-en|Listen and download]]
-https://emergeheart.info/s/art+☞ **★ NEW!: Mois Décentralisé de solidarité avec Assange, les lanceurs d'alerte, et la liberté de la presse dans le monde [Dossier de presse] ★ ** [[https://archive.org/details/moissolidarite-presskit-fr|écouter et télécharger]]
-=== Remain Humain === 
-=== Others === 
-===== Postcards ===== 
-{{:dea-xmas-postcarda5.jpg?400|}}+====== Slide and Video Projections ====== 
 +===== Solidarity 4 Assange and Chelsea (slideshow) =====
-===== Posters =====+{{:assange-slideshow-projected-1.jpg?450|}}
-=== Wanted! poster ===+Go to [[project:solidarity_4_slideshow|Solidarity 4... Slideshow]] page to download and update the solidarity slideshow. 
 +===== DIY Freedom Torch =====
-{{:assange-wanted-postera4-print.png?300 }}+{{diy:diy_freedom_torch:28d2775e-142b-4a62-a72a-b8a2b8b3e985.jpg?181}}{{diy:diy_freedom_torch:78a27709-c84d-4c9b-8750-9ff08df5d723.jpg?572}} 
 +Build a [[project:freedom_torch|Freedom Torch]]! Using affordable material, assemble yourself a device to project cool messages on walls at night! 
-===== Flyers ====== 
-===== Video Projections =====+====For more fun and creative campaigning DIY projects, go:====  
 +☞ [[campaigning_material_diy_projects|here]] 
-=== Solidarity 4 Assange & Chelsea ===+----
-{{ :assange-slideshow-projected-1.jpg?200|}}+----
-Solidarity 4 Assange & Chelsea is a randomized and repeating slideshow that shows images of supporter art, stills from WikiLeaks publications, cables, and more. To play slideshow do one of the following: 
-  - Download [[https://challengepower.info/_media/solidarity-4.zip|solidarity-4.zip]] file +====== Videos ======
-  - Unzip the file and go to ''solidarity-4/'' directory+
-To play the slideshow in a normal browser (best for non-technical users)+===== Emerge Heart: videos =====
-  - Go to your favorite browser and open the ''index.html'' +Artist videos and others: https://video.emergeheart.info (peertube instance)\\
-  - Make browser window full screen +
-  - Let slides repeat+
-Serving as a local website+{{david_rovics_bynd_prison.png?344}} {{cleaning_woman_hmp_belmarsh.png?250}} 
 +===== Honest Government Ad: Julian Assange =====
-  - Serve the ''solidarity-4/'' directory +https://www.thejuicemedia.com/honest-government-ad-julian-assange///
-  On Linux ''python3 -m http.server --bind'' +
-  - Load in a browser at http://localhost:8000+
 +//"The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!"//\\
 +{{honest-oz-am-bitch.png?340}} {{honest-clr-warning.png?340}}
-===== Videos ===== 
-=== Emerge Heart Video === 
-Artist videos and others: https://video.emergeheart.info (peertube instance) 
-=== Honest Government Ad: Julian Assange === 
-"The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!"+===== The Case against WikiLeaks: a direct threat to our community =====
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1efOs0BsE0g+**How to understand this historic challenge and how to defend ourselves.**
-=== The Case against WikiLeaksa direct threat to our community ===+A talk by Angela RichterRenata Avila, Naomi Colvin @36C3, 28 December 2019\\ 
-How to understand this historic challenge and how to defend ourselves+====A great selection of informative and inspirational videos can be found==== 
 +☞ [[movie_list#online_videos|here]]
-A talk by Angela Richter, Renata Avila, Naomi Colvin @36C3, 28 December 2019+----
-===== Clothing & accessories =====+----
-Hoodies, T-shirts, Stickers, supporting WikiLeaks 
-https://wikileaks.shop+====== Clothing and accessories ====== 
 +{{ :official-wiki-shop.jpeg?500}}
-https://eu.wikileaks.shop/+Hoodies, t-shirts, phone cases, mugs, stickers etcsupporting WikiLeaks.
 +{{ :keep-calm-encrypt.jpg?180}}
  • campaigning_material.1582483659.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/02/23 18:47
  • by editor4002