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campaigning_material [2020/05/31 05:16] – [Somerset Bean] miumiucampaigning_material [2020/09/06 12:14] (current) – [Various artists] editor42
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 ============ Campaigning Material ============ ============ Campaigning Material ============
-**Collections of materials, of any type or medium, that everyone can use and reuse.**\\+**Collections of materials, of any type or medium, that everyone can use and reuse.**
 +☞ **★ CHECK OUT OUR BRAND NEW [[:campaigning_material#audio_material|AUDIO MATERIAL !]] ★ ** Includes a dedicated radio station, jingles and a playlist!!
 +See also: 
-See also: \\ 
 \\ \\
 ☞ **[[campaigning_material_diy_projects|DIY Projects]]**\\ ☞ **[[campaigning_material_diy_projects|DIY Projects]]**\\
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 ☞ **[[online_resources_for_defending_assange|Online Resources for Defending Assange]]** ☞ **[[online_resources_for_defending_assange|Online Resources for Defending Assange]]**
 ====== Graphics ====== ====== Graphics ======
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 \\  \\ 
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 Downloads:\\ Downloads:\\
-  * **Welcome to Greenwich** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome_to_greenwich_postcard_front_.pdf |PDF}} (front) ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome_to_greenwich_postcard_back_.pdf|PDF}} (back)\\ 
   * **Hands Off Assange** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:postcard2-hands-off-assange-front.pdf|PDF}} (front) {{campaign_material:postcards:postcard2-hands-off-assange-back.pdf|PDF}} (back) (Somerset Bean)   * **Hands Off Assange** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:postcard2-hands-off-assange-front.pdf|PDF}} (front) {{campaign_material:postcards:postcard2-hands-off-assange-back.pdf|PDF}} (back) (Somerset Bean)
 +  * **Welcome to Greenwich** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome_to_greenwich_postcard_front_.pdf |PDF}} (front) ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome_to_greenwich_postcard_back_.pdf|PDF}} (back)\\
 +  * **Welcome to London** postcard ☞ {{campaign_material:postcards:welcome-to-london-postcard.pdf |PDF}} (front)
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   * **Colour Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:jamask.pdf|PDF}}\\   * **Colour Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:jamask.pdf|PDF}}\\
   * **B&W Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:a4_assange-mask-lrg.pdf|PDF}}   * **B&W Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:a4_assange-mask-lrg.pdf|PDF}}
 +  * **B&W Mask**: ☞ {{campaign_material:masks:mask2-a4.pdf|PDF}}
 ---- ----
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 ---- ----
 +====== Audio Material ======
 +Use music and sound in your protest, online or offline!
-====== Slide and Video Projections ====== +☞ [[:music_playlist|Music Playlist]]
-\\ +
-===== Solidarity 4 Assange and Chelsea (slideshow)=====+☞ [[https://p-node.org/freeassange/|Radio Free Assange]]
 +☞ **★ NEW!: COLLATERAL MIXTAPES ★ ** [[https://archive.org/details/collateral-mixtape-2020|Listen and download]]
-Solidarity 4 Assange and Chelsea is a randomised and repeating slideshow that shows images of supporter artstills from WikiLeaks publications, cables, and more.\\  +☞ **★ NEW!: DECENTRALISED MONTH OF SOLIDARITY WITH ASSANGEWHISTLEBLOWERS AND PRESS FREEDOM WORLDWIDE [JINGLE EN] ★ ** [[https://archive.org/details/decentralized-month-solidarity-en|Listen and download]]
-\\ +
-{{:assange-slideshow-projected-1.jpg?450|}} +
-  - Download [[https://challengepower.info/_docs/solidarity-4.zip|solidarity-4.zip]] file +
-  - Unzip the file and go to ''solidarity-4/'' directory+
 +☞ **★ NEW!: Mois Décentralisé de solidarité avec Assange, les lanceurs d'alerte, et la liberté de la presse dans le monde [Dossier de presse] ★ ** [[https://archive.org/details/moissolidarite-presskit-fr|écouter et télécharger]]
-Then choose to play slideshow: 
-__In a normal browser (best for non-technical users)__+----
-  - Go to your favorite browser and open the ''index.html'' 
-  - Make browser window full screen 
-  - Let slides repeat 
-__Serving as a local website__+====== Slide and Video Projections ====== 
-  - Serve the ''solidarity-4/'' directory 
-  - On Linux ''python3 -m http.server --bind'' 
-  - Load in a browser at http://localhost:8000 
----- +===== Solidarity 4 Assange and Chelsea (slideshow) ===== 
 +Go to [[project:solidarity_4_slideshow|Solidarity 4... Slideshow]] page to download and update the solidarity slideshow.
 ===== DIY Freedom Torch ===== ===== DIY Freedom Torch =====
  • campaigning_material.1590902185.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/05/31 05:16
  • by miumiu