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assange_s_awards_and_recognition [2020/01/06 16:31] editor42assange_s_awards_and_recognition [2020/07/01 13:56] editor42
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-=== The Press Project - Person of the Year: Julian Assange - January 2020 ===+=======Assange's Awards and Recognition======= 
 +==== Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award - February 2020 ==== 
 +"Julian Assange, the imprisoned and maligned publisher of WikiLeaks, has been awarded the 2020 Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award by the board of the Consortium for Independent Journalism, publishers of Consortium News.  
 +... For practicing the highest order of journalism–revealing crimes of the state–Assange faces 175 years in a U.S. prison–a life sentence for the 48-year old Australian.  
 +Assange, whose life has been endangered in harsh prison conditions, has become an international symbol of the threat to press freedom. He is the first journalist to be charged under the Espionage Act for possession and dissemination of state secrets. 
 +Robert Parry, the late founder and editor of Consortium News, was a staunch defender of Assange’s rights. In 2010, he wrote: “Though American journalists may understandably want to find some protective cover by pretending that Julian Assange is not like us, the reality is – whether we like it or not – we are all Julian Assange.” 
 +The award is named after journalist Gary Webb whose life was cut short after the mainstream press vilified him for accurate reports about a CIA operation that flooded urban areas of the U.S. with cocaine from Nicaragua." 
 +==== The Press Project - Person of the Year: Julian Assange - January 2020 ===
 +{{ campaign_material:assange_awards-0f858.jpg?300}}
 "In the past, the people we’ve named Person of the Year have been newsmakers in Greece. Assange’s case marks an exception, which we’ll try to explain. But for us to explain, we need to talk a bit about the founder of ThePressProject, Costas Efimeros, and the role that Assange played in making us what we are today. ..." "In the past, the people we’ve named Person of the Year have been newsmakers in Greece. Assange’s case marks an exception, which we’ll try to explain. But for us to explain, we need to talk a bit about the founder of ThePressProject, Costas Efimeros, and the role that Assange played in making us what we are today. ..."
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-===Gavin MacFadyen Award for Whistleblowers - September 2019===+====Gavin MacFadyen Award for Whistleblowers - September 2019====
 The only award given solely by whistle-blowers. The only award given solely by whistle-blowers.
 +Julian's father accepting the award on behalf of his son from Eileen Chubb at the Assange Rally outside Belmarsh Prison, 28th September 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5ef856QHdQ
-===The Danny Schechter Global Vision Award for Journalism & Activism - 2019=== 
-The DANNY is s practice of combining excellent journalism with social advocacy and activism.Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information. He has been honored for his work in exposing the truth, and for his courage in risking his career and personal freedom.+====The Danny Schechter Global Vision Award for Journalism & Activism - 2019====
 +The DANNY is a practice of combining excellent journalism with social advocacy and activism. Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information. He has been honoured for his work in exposing the truth, and for his courage in risking his career and personal freedom.
-===The Willy Brandt Award for Political Courage (Harrison) - October 2015===+ 
 +====The Willy Brandt Award for Political Courage (Harrison) - October 2015====
 "This award is for those that have been forced into becoming refugees because of their political actions on behalf of us all, and their work for our right to know." - Sarah Harrison "This award is for those that have been forced into becoming refugees because of their political actions on behalf of us all, and their work for our right to know." - Sarah Harrison
- +==== Global Exchange Human Rights Award, People's Choice - 2015====
-=== Global Exchange Human Rights Award, People's Choice - 2015===+
 https://web.archive.org/web/20150627195622/http://humanrightsaward.org/past-honorees/ https://web.archive.org/web/20150627195622/http://humanrightsaward.org/past-honorees/
-===The Kazakstan Union of Journalists Top Prize - June 2014===+====The Kazakstan Union of Journalists Top Prize - June 2014====
 Awarded for his outstanding efforts in investigative journalism. Awarded for his outstanding efforts in investigative journalism.
-===The Brazilian Press Association Human Rights Award - 2013===+====The Brazilian Press Association Human Rights Award - 2013====
 http://www.abi.org.br/abi-homenageia-defensores-da-liberdade-de-imprensa-e-de-informacao/ http://www.abi.org.br/abi-homenageia-defensores-da-liberdade-de-imprensa-e-de-informacao/
-=== New York Festivals World's Best TV & Films Silver World Medal - 2013===+==== New York Festivals World's Best TV & Films Silver World Medal - 2013====
 http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/winners/2013/pieces.php?iid=444956&pid=1 http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/winners/2013/pieces.php?iid=444956&pid=1
-=== Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts - 2013===+==== Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts - 2013====
 http://imaginepeace.com/archives/19347 http://imaginepeace.com/archives/19347
-=== Big Brother Award - Italy "Hero of Privacy -  2012 ===+==== Big Brother Award - Italy "Hero of Privacy-  2012 ====
 https://bba.winstonsmith.info/bbai2012.html https://bba.winstonsmith.info/bbai2012.html
-=== Voltaire Award for Free Speech - 2011 ===+==== Voltaire Award for Free Speech - 2011 ====
 http://libertyvictoria.org/node/172 http://libertyvictoria.org/node/172
-=== Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism - 2011=== +==== Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism - 2011==== 
 http://www.marthagellhorn.com/previous.htm http://www.marthagellhorn.com/previous.htm
-=== Sydney Peace Prize - Gold Medal - 2011 ===+==== Sydney Peace Prize - Gold Medal - 2011 ====
 http://sydneypeacefoundation.org.au/peace-medal-julian-assange/ http://sydneypeacefoundation.org.au/peace-medal-julian-assange/
-=== Free Dacia Award - 2011 ===+==== Free Dacia Award - 2011 ====
 http://www.cbsnews.com/news/julian-assange-given-press-freedom-award/ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/julian-assange-given-press-freedom-award/
-=== Le Monde Readers' Choice Award for Person of the Year - 2010 ===+==== Le Monde Readers' Choice Award for Person of the Year - 2010 ====
 http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/301727 http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/301727
-=== Sam Adams Award - 2010 ===+==== Sam Adams Award - 2010 ====
 http://samadamsaward.ch/julian-assange/ http://samadamsaward.ch/julian-assange/
-=== Time Magazine - Person of the Year, Reader's Choice - 2010 ===+==== Time Magazine - Person of the Year, Reader's Choice - 2010 ====
 http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/12/13/julian-assange-readers-choice-for-times-person-of-the-year-2010/ http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/12/13/julian-assange-readers-choice-for-times-person-of-the-year-2010/
-=== Amnesty International UK Media Awards - 2009 ===+==== Amnesty International UK Media Awards - 2009 ====
 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2009/jun/03/amnesty-international-media-awards https://www.theguardian.com/media/2009/jun/03/amnesty-international-media-awards
-=== The Economist - New Media Award - 2008 ===+==== The Economist - New Media Award - 2008 ====
 https://www.indexoncensorship.org/index-on-censorship-awards-archive/index-on-censorship-award-winners-2008 https://www.indexoncensorship.org/index-on-censorship-awards-archive/index-on-censorship-award-winners-2008
  • assange_s_awards_and_recognition.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/15 09:46
  • by editor42